Saturday, January 17, 2009

FENG SHUI What To Do If You Live In A Cul-De-Sac

unlucky connotations of living in a cul-de-sac and offers a way to transform a potential feng shui problem into something that can bring success luck.

I have often been asked if living in a cul-de-sac is bad feng shui. The straight answer to this question is “Yes” as it suggests that there is no way out, which in turn suggests that when one has problems, it is hard to work one’s way out of those problems, leading to great misfortune. Many feng shui practitioners agree that living at the end of a dead end road is not the most desirable location and it is advisable to try not to get stuck in such a location. To start with, the chi energy coming to a house placed at the end of a road is usually fast, so the energy is pernicious and non-beneficial. Instead of bringing good fortune, it brings misfortune.

Dead-end roads connote a full stop to one’s progress and growth. When dead ends have higher ground behind, as in a hill slope, the effect of being “boxed in” becomes even more pronounced, thereby strengthening the idea of house residents being “trapped”. The symbolism is dangerous and undesirable. At nights, when cars come down the road, the headlights invariably shine directly into your house – suggesting tigers in the night attacking your home. When your own car comes home at night, it creates the same effect. So it is best to try not to live in a house located at the end of a cul-de-sac.

However, if you are already living in such a house and have been experiencing misfortune luck, here is one way of dealing with the situation. The cure lies in harnessing the energy that flows down the road towards your house. If you can capture the chi and transform it into good sheng chi before it enters your home, you would have effectively transformed bad chi into good chi, and changed bad feng shui into really good feng shui. This is because feng shui is really about capturing and creating good chi.

Cul-De-Sac Cure

The best way of transforming chi energy is to first force it to slow down. Chi energy slows down when it meets with an obstacle, which can be a wall, some trees, boulders or any kind of structure. Chi energy also slows down when it encounters a body of water. To force oncoming chi that flows along a road to decelerate, the best way is to build a wall - something about five feet high.

The wall is like a shield that makes the oncoming chi stop, but this is not what we wish to create. The idea is not to make the chi stop altogether - the intention is only to slow it down, after which we need to capture the “slowed down” chi energy, then allow it to accumulate before it enters our house. This way, excellent feng shui chi gets created, bringing good fortune.

Chi is transformed in different ways. With a wall, you can create a round or square hole to let the chi flow through and on the other side of the wall, you should have a small courtyard, in front of the door. The courtyard acts as your bright hall where the transformed chi settles before entering the home. Inside this courtyard, you can grow auspicious plants such as bamboo, pine trees or a variety of fruit trees.

Look at the sketches below and let these suggest ways for you to create something similar in your home. These are also well designed landscape features that happen to possess strong feng shui advantages. These ideas reproduced here come from various consultations we have done for clients living at the end of cul de sacs. All had been experiencing some problem or another, mostly associated with setbacks at work, falling victim to office wars, and losing out again and again to competitive colleagues in the promotion stakes.

All three clients went on to enjoy rather spectacular career rises within a year after we helped them create the feng shui remedy for their cul-de-sac houses. One got promoted to a very high and important public position. Another went on to become the CEO of a foreign company with a fairly large presence in Singapore and Malaysia.

They also loved the design features factored into our feng shui cure. As you can see, the cures were not all exactly the same - we used a wall made of bricks for the house where the road was coming from a South direction (fire), a figure of 8 water pond where the road was coming from the Northwest direction (metal) and in the third, a link house with not much space, we created a trellis planted with creeping vines that effectively slowed down the oncoming chi. There was no need for a “hole” in the trellis, as it had been made of soft bamboo with an interwoven design. In this third house, the road was coming from a North direction (water).

The cure features were all designed to simply exhaust the oncoming bad energy without destroying it completely. The element of the offending road coming at the house was determined by its direction, then we identified the element that would exhaust it in the cyclical relationship of elements. By incorporating these element considerations into the cures, we made them a great deal more effective.

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