Friday, January 16, 2009

FENG SHUI Health is Wealth !

What is money and romance, if you do not have the good health to enjoy it? Do you really want to go through numerous visits to the doctors, spending large amounts on even larger hospital bills, feeling sickly and utterly de-motivated? Don't you believe in the famous adage that goes 'Prevention is better than cure'? Don't be surprised but with Feng Shui, you can prevent ill health even across the generations!

Generally, it is believed that the Feng Shui of a home can influence the nature of health that is enjoyed by the residence. A home that has auspicious Feng Shui vibrations and good flow of Chi will definitely endow the residents with good health.

However, sometimes it is quite difficult to realize that all is not well. With a busy lifestyle, we are only focused on curing whenever there is an illness and forget all about it when we are well! But if you were to look back you may notice a pattern of frequent illness. Especially, if this pattern started after you have moved into a new home or if you have recently renovated your home. This is because you may have inadvertently created a bad Feng Shui environment.

To ensure that you can safeguard your family's health at all times, here are four golden rules for health:

Rule No. 1

Guard your home against poison arrows emanating from your surroundings. Check that your main door is not being hit by anything sharp or pointed, anything angular, or anything that seems to be threatening. Do remember however, that residents of homes that are hit by poison arrows do not usually just become sick. Usually the bad luck also takes on other equally, and sometimes more severe forms.

Rule No. 2

Beware of poison arrows inside the home and ensure that children are not sleeping directly beneath exposed beams, as these will cause frequent illness, headaches and an inability to sleep peacefully. It is also advisable not to fill your home with antiques. This is because you are unlikely to know the luck of the people who owned the artifacts before. Firearms are also inauspicious as they also stand the chance of having once been fired in anger and of having drawn blood, which is very bad Feng Shui.

Rule No. 3

If there is someone who is really ill at home, it is possible to use Feng Shui to help him or her recover. This is done by using the Pa Kua Lo Shu formula and involves finding that person's Tien Yi (health direction) based on his or her date of birth. Once you identified the sector, then you should locate the person's bedroom in that corner of the home and their bed should also be placed according to this direction.

Rule No. 4

To ensure the general health of the resident's in your home, you should make sure that your stove is placed in a way that allows the gas or electricity to flow to it from any of your four auspicious directions. However if you were confused on whose best directions are to be followed, a simple guide would be to follow the directions of the head of the household. Do take some time out to ensure that these rules are not broken in your home. It will ensure a lifetime of good health!

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