Saturday, January 17, 2009

FENG SHUI Activate Wealth Luck According to Sheng Chi

If you are serious about becoming prosperous and successful, then you should learn how to activate your money luck according your personal kua number, which is fundamental to the practice of Eight Mansions Formula Feng Shui.

Refer to the birth year table for your personal kua number. Then proceed to the following table to discover where your personal prosperity mansion or sheng chi is located. Now, you're ready to activate your wealth luck! You can energize the sheng chi sectors of your living room and dining room as well as your bedroom.

(Please note: NO water or plants in the bedroom.)

Kua Number Personal Sheng Chi
1 (east group) Southeast
2 (west group) Northeast
3 (east group) South
4 (east group) North
5 (west group) Northeast (for males)
Southwest (for females)
6 (west group) West
7 (west group) Northwest
8 (west group) Southwest
9 (east group) East

Energize the Southeast Sector
Display a leafy, green plant or a green jade money plant. Keep 9 goldfish (8 red + 1 black) in a small aquarium. Display an image of a green dragon. Load a wooden wealth ship with natural crystals, gold coins, gold ingots then position it sailing inwards from your sheng chi. Display an arowana or a carp.

Energize the Northeast Sector
Display a crystal bowl filled with natural quartz crystals or semi precious gemstones or 8 smooth round crystal balls. Place a crystal gem-tree with gold coins on a tabletop. Put a revolving crystal globe in a corner and twirl once daily.

Energize the South Sector
Display an image of the phoenix or rooster or peacock or a beautiful bird with red plumage. Use floral or scented candles. Install lights and keep this corner brightly lit. Place an image of horses or the wish-fulfilling cow on a tabletop. Use a red tablecloth.

Energize the North Sector
Hang a painting of water or a 6-rod metal windchime with hollow rods. Display an active water feature. Use a metal dragon tortoise or a large gold ingot as a paperweight. Place a golden ricebowl in the dining room. Load a metal wealth ship with natural crystals, gold coins, gold ingots then position it sailing inwards from your sheng chi. Display an arowana or a carp or a golden abacus.

KUA NUMBER 5 (males)
Energize the Northeast Sector
Display a crystal bowl filled with natural quartz crystals or semi precious gemstones or 8 smooth round crystal balls. Place a crystal gem-tree with gold coins on a tabletop. Put a revolving crystal globe in a corner and twirl once daily.

KUA NUMBER 5 (females)
Energize the Southwest Sector
Display a crystal bowl filled with natural quartz crystals or semi precious gemstones or smooth round crystal balls. Place a crystal gem-tree with gold coins on a tabletop. Put a revolving crystal globe in a corner and twirl once daily.

Energize the West Sector
Hang a 6-rod metal windchime. Place a golden ricebowl in the dining room. Use a metal dragon tortoise or a large gold ingot as a paperweight. Display a pot of gold or a golden abacus. Load a metal wealth ship with natural crystals, gold coins, gold ingots then position it sailing inwards from your sheng chi.

Energize the Northwest Sector
Hang a metal windchime with hollow rods or 6 large gold coins tied with red or gold cord. Place a golden ricebowl in the dining room. Use a metal dragon tortoise or a large gold ingot as a paperweight. Display a pot of gold or a golden abacus. Load a metal wealth ship with natural crystals, gold coins, gold ingots then position it sailing inwards from your sheng chi.

Energize the Southwest Sector
Display a crystal bowl filled with natural quartz crystals or semi precious gemstones or smooth round crystal balls. Place a crystal gem-tree with gold coins on a tabletop. Put a revolving crystal globe in a corner and twirl once daily.

Energize the East Sector
Display a fairly large green plant or a green jade money plant. Keep 9 goldfish (8 red + 1 black) in a small aquarium. Display an image of a green dragon. Load a wooden wealth ship with natural crystals, gold coins, gold ingots then position it sailing inwards from your sheng chi. Display an arowana or a carp.

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