Saturday, January 17, 2009

FENG SHUI Nine Star Ki

We call the study of our energy relationship with the material environment "Feng Shui". And we apply the principles of Feng Shui to achieve harmony in the compositional elements of our structures, their inhabitants and the surrounding geography. Correspondingly, we call the study of our energy relationship with the temporal environment, "Nine Star Ki" (Kyu Sei Ki - In Japanese). And we can apply the principles of this school to create harmony within the framework of the conditions and events that influence our lives.

Here's a comprehensive article by Wayne Weber from Blooming Grove for you to chew on....

Nine Star Ki
An Article by Wayne Weber - from Blooming Grove.
Just as every structure and household emanates its own, unique field of energy patterns, so does every period in time. And, as surely as we are subject to the energy dynamics of the shapes that we occupy and work in, we are also in constant interaction with the characteristics of the times.

While we possess the free will to choose our occupations, our level of well being and our ultimate destiny, we are also the product of our environment. On the more material level, this means that we are profoundly influenced by the quality and character of our home, our workspace, our neighborhood and our culture. Likewise, we are intimately involved with the lifelong rhythms of our heartbeat, sleeping patterns and the dance of the seasons.

We call the study of our energy relationship with the material environment, "Feng Shui". And we apply the principles of Feng Shui, to achieve harmony in the compositional elements of our structures, their inhabitants and the surrounding geography.

Correspondingly, we call the study of our energy relationship with the temporal environment, "Nine Star Ki" (Kyu Sei Ki - In Japanese). And we can apply the principles of this school to create harmony within the framework of the conditions and events that influence our lives.

Modern science defines the primary components of our universe to be "space" and "time". In this case, we can see that the two ancient schools, Feng Shui (elements of space) and Nine Star Ki (elements of time) formulate a very comprehensive and elegant approach. And these schools are, in effect, two sides of the same coin.

In fact, Nine Star Ki and Feng Shui arise from a common source and are founded upon the same universal principles; from the elementary concept of Yin & Yang, to the more elaborate Five Aspects of Energy. And fortunately so. Because of this universal commonality, we can apply these methodologies as a unified tool, in consultation and diagnosis.

If anything, the fundamentals of Nine Star Ki are easier to learn than Feng Shui. Thankfully, we live in an ordered universe. Therefore, the changing cycles in time arise in regular, predictable patterns. Why the "9" in Nine Star Ki? Because there are nine basic cycles, each cycle having its own particular nature and set of characteristics. And these cycles repeat, in the same order.

For the sake of this discussion, we can focus upon the 9 monthly and 9 yearly cycles, but we should remember that these time periods are small wheels, within larger circuits of time (e.g., 81 Year Cycles [9 x 9]). Also, these time units house smaller patterns (e.g., daily and hourly cycles). But the monthly and annual cycles are of special interest, because they have an obvious and very direct influence upon our daily lives.

Every year, on or near February 4th, the annual ki changes and a new set of energy patterns becomes predominant. Therefore, each year has its own personality, its own atmosphere. 1999 was a "Number 1 White Water" year and 2000 is described as "Number 9 Purple Fire". The following chart lists some relevant years and their associated ki:

Annual Ki Table













































































































9 Star Years (beginning Feb. 4)

You can find your annual 9 Star Ki number in the above table. Remember, if you were born prior to February 4th, use the Ki number that is assigned to the previous year. For example, a person born on January 8th, 1953, is a 3 Tree.

According to Nine Star Ki, we embody the ki characteristics of the year in which we were born. For example, a person born after February 4th, 1950, is said to be a "Five Soil" person. Someone born in 1978 is a Four Tree individual, and so on. Therefore, there are nine principal personality types. In reality, these basic personalities are made richer and more complex via additional aspects, like the monthly ki, diet, the season of birth, location of childhood and, of course, other environmental conditions and personal decisions. Despite this, the fundamental patterns of the nine personalities are, still, quite discernible.

The Number 1 White Water Person

It is good to tap into this person’s insight. Being the most yang number, they can be very comfortable when engaged in worldly pursuits, but are strongly attracted to the yin, spiritual aspects of life. This combination gives the 1 Water person a very strong intuition. These individuals can have a very subdued appearance but, inside, they are very strong. The evolved One Water seeks out people, religions, books; any means that will provide structure in their life. This inherent drive for structure does not come about because the 1 Water is a weak person. On the contrary, like water, this personality is very flexible and can flow in virtually any direction. Therefore the search is for definition, not to be pampered or held back. One Waters are very interested in observing others and in sexual relationships. They can keep their thoughts and feelings well hidden, but have a deep respect for the art of communication and are excellent listeners.

The Number 2 Black Soil Person

It is good to have a 2 Soil around when there is work to be done. These people are consistent, steadfast and can be very supportive. But they should not be mistaken for blind followers. They have strong ideals and are public minded. Historically, there are many well remembered 2 Soil leaders, such as Lincoln, Kennedy and Tenzin Gyatso (The Dalai Lama). Because the evolved 2 Soil plays such a supporting role, they sometimes find it difficult to say "no" to the requests and invitations of others, even when they would rather be alone or resting. In fact, it is advisable that they create some quiet time for rejuvenation. They find it difficult to hide from the activities of the world for too long, though, due to their thirst for social interaction. 2 Soils are not the "get rich quick" type, but they can find great prosperity through long, steady effort. Because of their social, hard working nature, they make excellent teachers.

The Number 3 Green Tree Person

A good person to see for fresh insights and new opinions. As their rising energy suggests, 3 Trees are very active. They like to explore and to choose their own path. The 3 Tree personality is honest to a fault and is, not always, as tactful as one may wish. But their adventurous spirit and their joyful attitude towards life can attract many people. Due to their active nature (tight spiral), many 3 Tree individuals have firm, yang bodies. People born in the 3 Tree position like to win, but evolved 3 Trees also have the capacity to truly feel joy when others succeed. This being the case, fully adjusted 3 Trees are extremely pleased when "everyone wins" and, for this reason, can be very effective leaders. Three Trees often act spontaneously and, sometimes, with insufficient consideration of the details. Therefore, they learn through experience. They make good performers.

The Number 4 Dark Green Tree Person

Four Trees make good experts. They can provide very powerful advice, concerning issues that dwell within their field of expertise. However, their response to questions that are outside of their normal studies may be less practical. The archetype of the absent- minded professor comes to mind. Four Tree people have a great love for life and they like to focus upon those aspects that can provide the deepest personal meaning. Therefore, they tend to be romantics, idealists or musicians and are not especially appreciative of oppressive situations. If conditions necessitate that a 4 Tree become an expert in a field that is of little personal interest, they will be miserable. Because of their capacity for analytical thought and devotion to a specific field of study, genius can be expressed in many different ways. Albert Einstein and Jimi Hendrix were, both, 4 Trees.

The Number 5 Yellow Soil Person

A good manager and controller of ventures, projects and households. The 5 Soil can be found in all walks of life, from the very humble to the highest circles of wealth and power. Wherever they are, events and people tend to center around them. It is not as if they are in the limelight and they are not necessarily the center of attention. But they possess a power and control to such an extent that it would be difficult for the other 8 types to fathom. They are inscrutable. If you are not a Five Soil person, the best time to get an idea of their characteristics is when you occupy the 5 Soil annual position. When you are in the position of another number, you take on some of the attributes that are associated with that personality. Since 5 Soils are in the "center", both positive and negative situations move towards them. It is their nature to make use of the good aspects and to turn the other energies away, or to manage them into a more beneficial state. Five Soils collect things. Some collect people and build large organizations. Some collect stamps. The evolved 5 Soil knows they are a 5 Soil. Not necessarily because they have studied Nine Star Ki. They come to know that their thoughts and actions can have a profound influence upon the well-being of others and they use their energy towards that end. Being the balancing influence, they don’t appreciate sudden change, so time is required for new ideas and directions to take root.

The Number 6 White Metal Person

This person is good for providing solidarity and purpose to a group or an event. Six Metals have a strong sense of ethical propriety. Choosing a practical approach over idealism, they can be strict and strong willed when applying their authority. Many mechanics, machinists, mechanical engineers and jewelers are 6 Metals. The evolved Six Metal is socially oriented, working for the good of the team or family. They share their opinions on life by setting a strong example through their behavior, rather then verbalizing their ideas. They are good financial managers and they excel at producing finished products. Most 6 Metals are "main stream" thinkers, with little interest or belief in methods that are not "tried and true". But, they can have very strong powers of intuition, in and of themselves. In some cases, this intuitive nature can become so profound that some would call it psychic.

The Number 7 Red Metal Person

It is good to turn to this person for extravagance and fun. This is the energy of early evening, of the setting sun, and the 7 Metal personality reflects the sensual nature of the times. Therefore, this person will be interested in the morays and fashions of the day and their interest will, often, be exemplified in their clothes, jewelry and hairstyle. These individuals may appear to be emotional and superficial, on the surface, but inside they are solid. The evolved Seven Metal is very organized and will have a practical response to almost any situation. This mode of operation provides balance to an, otherwise, exorbitant and overly emotional state of being. They are masters of oratory and can sway opinions with their voice. Due to their natural sensuality and general attractiveness, Sevens are easily noticed and are often promoted quickly through the ranks of an organization. While they can be extremely practical and patient, they flourish best when receiving the attention and support of others.

The Number 8 White Soil Person

This person is good for anything that fits in with their plans. Usually, their plans include lending a helpful hand to any and everyone. Eight Soils are kind hearted, fair minded and family oriented. However, when they feel an injustice has been performed, they are quick to speak out and take remedial action. These individuals alternate between periods of reserved, deep activity and extroverted interaction. They are deep thinkers and boisterous revelers. The evolved Eight Soil will study important issues before taking action. They often have a very straightforward set of plans, concerning their career moves and what they want to accomplish next. But, they are not afraid to become involved with new ideas and directions. They are intrepid travelers and make excellent road companions. They move around in life. Eight Soils love family. Even if their experiences keep them from settling down at an early age, the thought of family is always there. As they age, their deep love and respect for elders grows.

The Number 9 Purple Fire Person

This person is good for developing new ideas and initiating fresh activities. But, in order to reach a successful conclusion, their path must be well defined. Like Fire, they attract a lot of attention and can be very charismatic. Their temperament can change quickly, so it is sometimes difficult to know what the mood will be, next. Outgoing and enthusiastic, these individuals are brilliant on the surface but, often, concise plans and opinions have not been carefully thought out. The evolved Nine Fire will use their good fortune, charisma and outgoing nature to develop a business or profession that will balance their somewhat chaotic existence with the more substantial, material aspects of life. They have learned to channel their flamboyant nature, to obtain the required social approval and support. Many 9 Fires are very successful in public relations and sales positions. Often, Nine Fires have difficulty settling down in a long term job or marriage.

One of the most helpful aspects of Nine Star Ki is the ability to compare an individual’s primary energies to the energy conditions of the present cycle in time (or to any other given cycle in time); thereby, defining what that person can expect, in the way of harmonious or antagonistic events, potential opportunities and tendencies towards a more active or passive response to the properties of the times.

Also, Nine Ki can be very valuable to the Feng Shui consultant. For example, the shape or structural components of a particular dwelling may be harmonious and supportive for an individual of one ki personality. But, the very same home could be detrimental to someone with a different ki profile. Such knowledge can be of vital importance and the results of applications, like this, can be quite remarkable. I hope this introduction will inspire some readers to become more familiar with Nine Star Ki. The basic concepts are easy to learn and, with a little experience, are just as easy to apply. Seemingly miraculous, Nine Star Ki is, actually, very practical, straightforward and is a very useful tool for humankind.

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